Everyone is excited about being back in school, well, the kids might not be as enthusiastic as the parents, but that's normal. But, unfortunately, it's also typical that your life's schedule is about to be crazy while you get back into a school routine. So here are some plumbing tips to help make your life a little easier.
Drain Health
Your kids are often more independent when school is back in session. Now is the perfect time to help give them advice on how to handle the drains in your home. You want to ensure that they know not to use your drain as a garbage disposal if you don't have one. If you have a garbage disposal, it's a good time to let them know what can be put into it and what can't be put in it.
Bathroom Fans
Your ceiling fan in the bathroom is essential in helping to keep moisture down. Remind your kids that they should be using the fan during their shower. A fun way to get your kids to remember the ceiling fan is to upgrade to a fan with fun lighting features or music. Not only will it help them remember to turn it on, but it also makes getting clean like a party.
Shower Times
If you have everyone take a shower back-to-back until everyone is clean, you might be giving your water heater a workout where it might not be up so many back-to-back showers. Staggering showers can help your water heater. Create a calendar where someone takes the time before school, after school, and before bed to help straighten out who gets the hot water when. No one wants to be the last one in the shower with little to no hot water left.
Eliminate Hot Water Woes
It's possible that your water heater can't keep up even with scheduling shower times for everyone in your home. It could be time to schedule a regular maintenance appointment for your water heater. First, have it drained and maintained. If that doesn't work, it may also be time to consider a new water heater. Water heaters have a lifespan of about six to thirteen years. You may even want to consider a tankless water heater that provides hot water on demand.
Laundry Tips
Not only can your kitchen and bathroom take a beating with back to school, but so can your laundry room. You want to make sure that you're doing full loads of laundry. Throwing in one school uniform isn't very economical or environmentally friendly. Also, it can be helpful to wash most of your items in the cold-water cycle. Most of the energy costs that come from using your washing machine are from washing with hot water.
It's also a good idea to check your washing machine line at this time of year when your machine may be seeing more use. Nothing adds to the chaos of a house getting back into the rhythm of being in school like a busted water line for the washer. If you notice any wear and tear, leaks, or loose connections, it's time to replace the hose.
Enjoy your school year a little more with these back-to-school plumbing tips. Need some help with your plumbing? Contact our professionals today to discuss your needs.